Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Orkutting To Glory

Orkut, a social networking website that helps you make friends and maintain old friends in this busy world. It has emerged as one of the most popular social networking website.

If the name of the website doesn't automatically draw you in, there is a good chance that the website features will. Like many other social networking websites, Orkut has a number of different member benefits. These benefits are what make it worthwhile to become a member of this popular social networking website.

As popular as Orkut is and as much as you would like to join, there are special procedures that you must follow. Unfortunately, Google does not allow just anyone to become a member; you must be invited. Although many internet users refrain from joining Orkut, just because of the invitation requirements, there is a good reason for limited membership. Orkut is a social networking website that is free to use. Unfortunately, free means that many people would wish to use the website. Many online social networking sites, that are free to use, have literally become ridiculous. A large number of Internet users get joy out of creating fake accounts and causing online controversy. Google decided to make Orkut a special membership online website to prevent instances like that from happening.

So, as compared to the early structure where anyone could visit any person's account and get to know the personal details and conversations taking place between individuals there, one has now the option to restrict visitors. Members can create their profiles and display their unique hobbies, interests and other biographical information. You can even add pictures to your profile so your friends know exactly what you look like, even if you have never met in person. Also, you can browse through the large member database to see profiles for individuals who match your interests, hobbies, or other search selections. Orkut seems to have been successful in reaching the markets that other social networking sites haven't. The fact that it is owned by Google lends to a lot of credibility. Recently, Orkut is also being used for job recruitment purposes as well.

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The Early Termination Fees of Wireless Phone Contracts

Have you ever signed a contract to subscribe to a certain type of service? If you have, then you probably encountered the term, termination fees. Service industries such as mobile phone service and subscription television commonly have termination fees or early termination fees as they are more commonly known.

The process usually works this way. A person purchases cellular phone service from a particular wireless carrier. He or she might be required to sign a two-year contract in order to avail of the service. Now that contract might stipulate a $200 fee in the event that the customer breaks the contract or wants to opt out of it.

However, the imposition of these termination fees has been criticized by consumer interest groups. These fees prevent users from migrating to superior services so they are labeled as being anti-competitive. A lot of people would rather stick to their old network, rather than pay a significant fee to move to another network or wireless phone carrier. More and more people have spoken out about this unfair practice and it seems that their complaints have finally been recognized.

The clamor and the disputes about the unfairness of early termination fees in wireless phone contracts have lead to positive changes in the last couple of years. Verizon wireless was the first carrier to give in when it announced that it will prorate its early termination fee. AT&T followed Verizon's lead and other carriers namely, T-Mobile and Sprint, have also decided that they would begin prorating their ETF in the first half of next year.

Now, what does a prorated early termination fee entail? The customer will still have to pay a fee for ending the mobile phone contract abruptly. However, the amount will decrease as the decision to end the contract early gets closer to the contract end date. This means that a customer will no longer be forced to pay the original fee if he decides to end the contract.

Here's a list of the current termination fee for each major wireless phone carrier:

Alltel: $200 per phone line

AT&T: Prorated

Sprint: $200 per phone line (to be prorated next year)

T-Mobile: $200 per phone line (to be prorated next year)

Verizon: Prorated

So far, Alltel has not made any announcements on making its ETF prorated. However, it may lose customers if it remains as the only major mobile phone carrier to have a non prorated early termination fee next year. It would be logical to assume that the company will also follow the examples of other wireless networks to keep their consumers happy. After all, the wireless phone industry is hot contested and any shift in policy or program of a cell phone carrier may send loyal supporters looking for a better alternative.

Joem Hughes writes articles about wireless phone networks, wireless plans, and wireless phone contracts. He hopes that he can contribute useful information on various wireless phone topics through his articles. He also makes sports articles at Pinoy boxing.

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